Part 73: Friday's Partings (Relations)
Friday's Partings (Relations)Mostly for show here, but let's fuse a few things just to get it out of the way.

Badb Catha (Nue + Take-Mikazuchi) is kind of a given, really. An update on Vidofnir but with Multi-Strike added helps keep her competitive.
Passives are basically forced to be Null Force and Curse, though. Ordinarily weak to those so getting rid of them ASAP is pretty handy.

Kresnik (Nue + Badb Catha) comes next, and he's infinitely easier to get here than in Devil Survivor 1 when a sidequest was needed to unlock him. Here? Just get a high enough level and he's yours.
No weaknesses, so can put whatever in the passive slots for once. Opted to add Pierce so his absurd Strength doesn't get hindered by things that resist it. Plus I'm pretty sure he's our earliest form of Null Phys so that helps too.

And lastly, we'll make Hariti (Scathach + Bifrons) since we can thanks to Otome. Ordinarily a very punchy demon for a Femme, I opted to work with her initial moves (Maziodyne + Elec Amp) rather than her initial stat spread. The Ma-dyne and Amp would be wasted otherwise.
Null Force because normally weak to Force, of course, and Mana Stream to keep casting for longer.

All right, that's that done. Let's focus on important stuff: chatting with Nicaeaman, and then some other people.

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

A man you've seen before is watching the people...
[Music: The Anguished One]

The man seems surprised...

The man vanishes, leaving behind only his mysterious words...

I'd say this might come in handy some day, but I'm not sure I can say that in good conscience.

For now let's not worry about that and instead go see what's up with Otome.
[Music: In the Devastated Town]

As Otome opens her phone, a JP's member bounds in through the entrance.
[Music: Countdown]

Otome glances at her phone...

Otome hands you her phone and runs out of the room...
You answer the phone...
[Music: Connected Hearts]

You explain why Otome couldn't be there to talk...

Koharu is obviously concerned about Otome, but she hangs up...
[Music: Exploration]

Let's go see what Fumi's up to now. I'm sure it'll be reasonable and not at all dangerous.

There's actually two different versions of this scene, but I have no idea what determines which one you see. It's not a Jungo alive or not thing, since both can be done regardless.

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

The machine steadily grows louder and louder...

[Music: Countdown]

And around here's where the scene diverges. Also the screen shakes. A lot.

Something is amiss. Jungo seems to be in pain...

[Music: Silence]

[Music: Elegy]

...Who are you and what did you do with Fumi?

Jungo leaves... Fumi is quiet...

You decide to leave, too...
[Music: Exploration]

It's nice when these correspond with actual character growth. It just feels more meaningful.

Speaking of things that are meaningful, let's go see Joe next.

Joe looks at his watch...

Joe slowly walks away...

Well, now. This seems like an interesting event if only because Yamato's outside for a change.

A middle-aged man runs up to the two of you...

The man forces a serving of takoyaki into Yamato's hand and leaves...

Yamato glares down at the takoyaki with cold eyes...

Yamato is indecisive...

Yamato puts a piece of takoyaki in his mouth...

[Music: Silence]

Yamato smiles slightly...
[Music: JPs -Geomagnetism Research Department-]

Yamato walks away...
[Music: Exploration]

See, this is what I mean by it being nice when these coincide with actual important stuff. Yamato ate some squid. Got a Fate level. Just seems so arbitrary and its a weird failing of the point system here.
It's still an improvement (over the original S.Link system from Persona 3/4), since there's at least some plot stuff mentioned in the scenes... sometimes.. but it still comes off as needing more finetuning.

Or something. Let's just go see Dera-Deka since he had a cunning plan for us.

[Music: Elegy]
Dera-Deka appears to be seriously wounded...!

And there's our optional... miniboss, I guess?

[Music: Desperate Situation]

This map isn't too bad, and takes like a couple minutes at most to clear out.

It only has 3 enemy teams to contend with, and the miniboss is isolated. Picking a crack here was mildly difficult since both might have their uses but Hassohappa is more generally usable. Judgement is a Curse elemental spell that just halves a dude's HP. It might be useful sometime in the future, but I prefer Hassohappa. Admittedly I may be a tad biased.

The biggest problem here isn't really Jikokuten, oddly enough. He's got the Kishin's upgraded racial skill and seems like he can deal some real damage between an Amped Dyne and Hassohappa but he's really quite pathetic as our enemy.

For our first three turns, Dera-Deka has a quick line before we can move and stuff.

I'd say I feel sorry for this Aniel, but I'd be lying.

Kresnik's Multi-Strike actually looks unimpressive from the DPH, but the important part is how it is distributed above all else. It takes out the Silkies immediately, but that's not hard. It also leaves Aniel hurting enough that he gets wiped by a Fire Dance from Balor immediately afterwards.

Thanks to the movement penalty being decreased because of Kresnik, Hibiki actually gets his second turn immediately after this one.

This gives the opportunity to switch Kresnik out for Ym next. We can't Evil Flow because of this but there's no need to anyway.

After all, even the regular 2 attack range is more than enough to fight Jikokuten without fear of a counterattack.
[Music: Shudder]

Which is pretty saddening in a way. Jikokuten wishes he could pose even a meagre threat to us, but his weakness to Fire leaves him very dead immediately.

After all, Ym and Balor both have Fire Dance.

We just roasted one of the Four Heavenly Kings alive and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

The sole remaining Aniel did get to move beforehand, but he couldn't get close enough to us to matter.

So we'll take him out and be done with this.

Man, this is without a weakness OR his Amp yet. Bifrons' Agidynes are going to reign firey hell very soon.

So, yeah. Not much to this one. We took all of like one hit, because I got a bit silly at the end. Didn't even really scratch our guys.

Compared to previous optional fights, this one is supremely underwhelming. It's not even an "it has to be easy because you gotta run Hibii solo!" thing. Jikokuten is just thrown out there so straight it's boring in a way.
[Music: In the Devastated Town]

[Music: Silence]

[Music: Requiem]

You leave the area in respectful silence...
Goodbye, Dera-Deka...

[Music: Exploration]

Small silver lining is that we can do what he wanted and use Jikokuten now. Gotta wait til, uh, level 57 but that's fine. We'll get there eventually.

Going to see Airi next seems like the most fitting thing to do, so we'll do that.

Airi looks away...

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

Makoto walks away.

Airi walks away with a disgruntled look on her face...
[Music: Exploration]

For a rare change, Daichi managed to (by the skin of his teeth) accrue just enough votes to get a scene for once. And I do mean just enough. He was one vote off being doubled by Otome.

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

...Of all the scenes to not get updated as the plot advances, this one sticks out quite a fair bit. We already know all this. The scar is the Void used by Polaris to end the world. But the scene isn't changed to reflect this for whatever reason.

[Music: Connected Hearts]

Makoto walks away...

Daichi walks away...

No, this isn't the result of putting the scene off or anything. Come 18:30 this event pops up and we're immediately railroaded into it. It's unavoidable like that.
So, let's save Io for real!